Ways To Make 10 Kindergarten Worksheets Printable

Ways To Make 10 Kindergarten Worksheets Printable – Ways to make 10 is a foundational math concept that kindergarten students need to learn to develop their addition skills. Making 10 means combining two numbers in such a way that the total is 10. Teaching this concept to kindergarten students requires a fun, engaging and hands-on approach that encourages exploration, discovery and creativity.

Ways To Make 10 Kindergarten Worksheets

Ways To Make 10 Kindergarten Worksheets

Ways To Make 10 Kindergarten

Here are some fun and effective ways to teach ways to make 10 to kindergarten students:

Ten Frame Activities: Ten frames are an excellent tool for teaching ways to make 10. Use a large ten frame to demonstrate different ways to fill it in to make 10, such as 5 and 5 or 4 and 6. Ask students to fill in their own ten frames using manipulatives, such as counting bears, blocks or buttons. Encourage them to experiment with different combinations of manipulatives to make 10.

Number Bond Games: Number bonds are visual representations of the relationship between numbers. Use a number bond to show how different numbers can be combined to make 10. Draw a number bond on the board with the number 10 on top and ask students to fill in the bottom two circles with different numbers that add up to 10. For example, 7 and 3 or 2 and 8. Encourage students to come up with as many combinations as they can.

Ways To Make 10 Kindergarten

Ways To Make 10 Kindergarten

Roll and Make: This is a fun game that allows students to practice ways to make 10 using dice. Provide students with a pair of dice and a blank ten frame. Ask them to roll the dice and fill in the ten frame to make 10. Encourage them to record the number combinations they use on a whiteboard or in their math journals.

Making 10 Worksheets: Making 10 worksheets are a great way to reinforce the concept of ways to make 10. Provide students with worksheets that ask them to complete addition problems that result in 10, such as 3 + 7 or 4 + 6. Ask them to use ten frames or manipulatives to show how they arrived at the answer.

Ten Frame Match: This game helps students practice their ways to make 10 skills by matching ten frame cards. Create pairs of cards with different ten frame combinations that add up to 10, such as 5 and 5 or 3 and 7. Ask students to match the cards together and discuss their combinations.

Free Printable Ways to Make 10 Kindergarten

Ways To Make Kindergarten Fun

Ways To Make Kindergarten Fun

By incorporating these fun and engaging activities, kindergarten students can develop their ways to make 10 skills and build a solid foundation for their future math learning. These activities promote exploration, creativity, and discovery, making the learning process fun and enjoyable for students.

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